ICB Entrepreneurship Courses

ICB Entrepreneurship Courses are perfect if you are financially-minded and have dreams to start, manage or develop a small/medium sized business – or want to help grow an established local company to a global enterprise, this is the study stream for you. Every entrepreneurial venture needs someone who is financially savvy, and that’ll be you if you study this programme. The specially-selected subjects in this programme are designed to give you the financial, accounting and commercial skills you’ll need to make your business a success. The subjects also cover strategy, technical knowledge, and personal skills.

ICB Entrepreneurship Courses that are offered by the ICB are as follows:

ICB Entrepreneurship Courses are ideal if you dream of starting your own company someday, have already started a business but realise you have gaps in your knowledge, are thinking of partnering with a non-financial person in a new venture, or ant to make sure your existing or future company runs efficiently.

Last updated: December 9th, 2016